UTV (United Television), a diversified media entity with presence in movies, new media (animation & gaming), TV, and broadcasting, has launched its new business vertical UTV Palador---a 360-degree initiative in world cinema under the brand name Olive Collection. UTV Palador's Olive Collection will have the world's largest library of world cinema under one roof with over 1000 film titles from 20 countries that have won over 3000 (cumulative) awards, including BAFTA, Cannes, Pusan, Berlin, Venice, Toronto among others.
The company will invest Rs 70 crore in the category. The non-Indian language movie segment is estimated to fetch Rs 1500 crore by 2009 and UTV Palador believes that world cinema could account for 20% of that.
Olive will host the world's greatest collection of world cinema---films from countries like France, Japan, China, Russia, Poland, Denmark, Brazil, Argentina---with subtitles. It will feature maverick film directors like Akira Kurusawa, Francois Truffaut, Michael Haneke, Wim Wenders, Chabrol, Kiarostami and Kitanoalong with 50 others.
"UTV Palador's main objective is to ensure that the beauty, timelessness and quality of the world's greatest filmmakers is not lost to Indians. It was our vision to ensure that quality cinema is not a one-off event at limited locations but a regular part of India's entertainment industry," said Ronnie Screwala, head of UTV.
On the theatrical front, 20 theatres across the country will release the Olive Collection films with two shows daily that will account for nearly 15,000 shows per annum.
Source : Financial Express